Bird watching

Bird watching

The Strait of Gibraltar is, along with the Bosphorus in Turkey, one of the points most used by birds for their migration to warmer areas. Millions of them make their round trip to the African continent every year from breeding places located in Europe.

Our strait is, therefore, the main gateway between the two continents and an ideal resting place for birds before embarking on their journey across the sea. The wedge shape of the southern peninsula favors these movements, leading them quickly to the nearby African continent, just 12 kilometers away. Types of migration Prenuptial: Between the months of March and May. In spring, when the weather is milder in Europe, birds that have wintered in Central and Southern Africa return to their breeding grounds to breed. Postnuptial: Between August and October. When the young birds are already developed, they start their return trip to the South in search of places with a favorable climate and abundant food.

Due to its geographical location between two large bodies of water, the Strait is also a privileged place to observe the movement of seabirds between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa. Possibility of sighting seabirds from whale watching boats.

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Observatorio ornitológico Mirador de Cazalla

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