
Whale watching

The waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, declared a Biosphere Reserve, are rich in food, which explains the presence of seven species of cetaceans. We can see some of them throughout the year, they are the resident species (Common Dolphins and Pilot Whales) and others at certain times depending on their needs, migrating through this channel (Killer Whales, Fin Whales and Sperm Whales).

Navigation in the Strait becomes more exciting, when the friendly dolphins approach the boats with their acrobatic jumps and their social behavior. If in the distance we observe a large breath, it could be that of a whale, the second largest animal on the planet, which crosses the Strait of Gibraltar on its migratory route. The tail of the Sperm Whale is also impressive, an animal measuring 18 m and weighing up to 50 tons that can be seen between immersions to feed on giant squids at depths of up to 1000 m. The Pilot Whale groups can be seen very frequently, with whom we can exchange glances as if it were a greeting. And by approaching the fishermen we would become aware of what their eternal fight with the killer whales for bluefin tuna means. Espadarte, Esparte or Espartel, the large fin of the male of the orca family gives its name to its place of residence in summer, the cape where we find these controversial cetaceans winning the tuna from the artisan fishermen.

Only knowing the beings that populate our seas, we can care for and preserve them. Whale watching is an ecotourism activity, based on scientific research and environmental education. On all outings, a group of biologist guides will accompany travelers, answering questions, interpreting sightings and collecting data on the different species and their behaviors.

The probability of sighting success is greater than 90% in all outings, with the guarantee of a second chance, in the remote case of not having met the objective on the first attempt.

In a two-hour watching trip we can not only see dolphins and whales, but also seabirds or flocks of migratory birds. We will come across the huge ships that cross this important seaway and we will be able to see the African and European coasts contrasting

Aventura Tarifa





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